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Is this the most expensive country?Is Japan is one of the most expensive countries to travel around as many foreigners thinks? Basically I don't think so, unless you prefer luxury place to stay. If you do not mind camping or take some effort to look for budget accommodations, ti is possible to spend not more than 20 Euro per night. So, please do not give up traveling Japan, since it is such a wonderful country. Something free in Japan
Budget things you can find in Japan(1Euro is about 130 Yen)
Special informationVisit Outline site for more detailsVisit Outline site for more details Visit rider's reportrider's report > Rodger Grigsby's What is touring in Japan like LinksHelpful tips based on their three-month trip to Japan on a really tight budget. Japan Cheap Travel - A complete guide to budget travel in Japan
uploaded:04, 06, 2016
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