Imported Bikes in Japan

Japanese manufacturer are effective in the Mamachari market. But imported bikes have an advantage in the sports bicycle market. Canonndale, Trek, Specialized, Giant and many other foreign brands enjoy popularity among Japanese bikers. You can handily buy these bikes which are in the same specifications as one in the home country.

Aside from these, there are some Japanese bike brands that apparently seem to be non-Japanese Brand. Louis Garneau is an example. Louis Garneau is Canadian manufacturer, but Japanese Louis Garneau bikes are directed by Aki Corporation Ltd., which is in Osaka. You'll recognize at a glance that they are different each other;

Louis Garneau in Canada

Louis Garneau in Japan

Maybe their logo looks cool for Japanese people. That why Aki Cororation Ltd., borrows Louis Garnea's brand name.

On the same reason, as for brand royalty, imported car manufacturer's brands are often used on inexpensive bikes. Peugeot, Jaguar, Cheavy, OPEL and so on. These brands more appeal to the people who don't have a taste for bicycles.

Mercedes Benz, BMW and Porsche are narrow exceptions. These bikes are directed by it's manufacturer.

uploaded:24, 12, 2006